Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Deforestation Problem-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discusss about the system thinking to develop sustainability challenges that have been driven by deforestation. Answer: Introduction A wide range of system thinking approach will be analysed in this research paper to develop a critical solution to reducing the impact of deforestation challenge. Traditional thinking is being influenced by the critical emotional intelligence that is not considered as a smart approach to reducing the impact of deforestation. This research paper will analyse several parts of system thinking for developing solutions regarding the sustainability issue and challenge as deforestation. Students are one of the essential parts of our society who only can enhance the revaluation, and the previous generation has a responsibility to provide a healthy environment to them. In this manner, the system thinking is one of the effective ways to deal with the deforestation oriented sustainability challenges. Various types of system thinking approach will be analysed in this research paper to justify the role of the students in developing sustainability policies to reduce the impact of the deforestation (Van der Werf, 2010). In contrast, the sustainability issue cannot be resolved without the system thinking of the students that are measured by true guidelines of the institutions. Conclusively, various implications of system thinking approach will be analysed in this research paper to develop suitable solutions for resolving the sustainability challenges of deforestation by reviewing significant journals and secondary resources (Nguyen et al, 2013). Systematic thinking approach for developing solutions to sustainability challenges The sustainability challenges are a susceptible element that requires adequate attention to secure a friendly environment for coming generations. In other words, the current generation needs to pay an attentive focus on the environment pollution that mainly includes rapid deforestation in both developed and developing countries. Despite the fact that, modern human civilization has to face a problem as rapid growth in population (Bhamra et al, 2016). High population is one of the significant cause of the deforestation that influences the environmental sustainability challenge. In order to resolve the sustainability challenge, the community needs to consider the critical role of the system thinking approach. Apart from that, a critical system thinking is mainly developed by adequate education and true guidance of parents. The guardians of the students also have a precarious role in the development of students system thinking approach to deal with sustainability challenges of deforestat ion. In contrast, without an honest guideline of both parents and an institution, the psychological development of a student cannot be processed towards making a solution to sustainability challenges driven by deforestation. An appropriate system thinking approach included three major steps such as identification of responsible factors, recognition the relationship among influential factor and affected changed values and determination of future perspective regarding after effect of those factors (Rothenberg et al, 2016). On the other hand, the management of the construction industry needs to pay an attentive focus on the sustainability challenges that are driven by excessive deforestation. In other words, the engineer of the construction industry needs to adopt a system thinking approach to resolve the issue of sustainability challenges of deforestation. In order to implement the systematic thinking approach, the civil engineers of the construction industry need to analyse the envir onment around the project area. The identification of the influential factor is the first step of a system thinking approach that should be considered by the architectures need to examine the soil and surrounding environment for searching any major issue regarding the construction project without damaging the eco-system of the earth(Rapoport, A, 2016). Besides that, the rear species of animals are one of the valuable assets of our nature, and it is a responsibility of the construction project authority to ensure the safety of those animals who might be a victim of deforestation. The management of the construction industry needs to follow the second step of the system thinking approach that encloses the safety of animals and birds of nature for maintaining a balanced eco-system. In this regards, the project manager of the construction industry includes a couple of duties to implement the third step of the system thinking approach, for example, ensure the safety of forest animals, sec urity of living rustic groups and balancing the eco-system of environment protection. In contrast, an appropriate solution cannot be implemented by the construction industry regarding the sustainability challenges that have been influenced by rapid deforestation without applying the system thinking approach (Ringquist, E.J, 2016). Moreover, system thinking approach can only help the construction industry to reduce the impact of sustainability challenges by focusing on every step of the system thinking approach. Impact of Deforestation on humanity One of the significant global sustainability challenges is rapid deforestation that is influenced by the construction developers and project manager. Along with that, the role of the government is additionally taking place in the project approval process of this construction industry. In spite of the fact that, the deforestation problem is increased due to high population in different countries like India, China and Sri Lanka. Rapid deforestation is observed in theses developing countries due to rapid population and job awareness. In addition, specific Asian region has a notably high rate of deforestation conducted by different government and private construction proprietors. According to DeFries et al, (2010), most of the people of the society believed that trees could be grown without human influence. In other words, the sustainability challenges of trees have no logic, but unfortunately, this kind of mentality is completely wrong. In order to preserve and protect the environment, human needs to plant a tree that only can produce natural oxygen for the ultimate survival of entire human community including other animals. Despite that fact that, the theme of environmental sustainability is taken for granted by modern society by developing a small garden in front of a huge colony. Meanwhile, the breathing problem of children and old citizen are also being influenced by the rapid deforestation that can lead to sustainability challenges for the survival of human civilization (Barona et al, 2010). In order to reduce the impact of environmental sustainability challenges, the management of construction industry needs to focus on the harmful impact of high deforestation on human health and other animals in the world. In this way, high rate of deforestation can lead to the end of human civilization that should not be inspired by the construction project leaders and management. The human society needs to behave aggressively towards the sustainability challenges by reduc ing the rate of deforestation to ensure a healthy environment for coming generation. The modification or development of colonies and societies should not include a misbalanced eco-system that might be harmful to old people and children. Conclusively, the government of different countries like China and India needs to analyse every soil inspection report before approving any projects of the construction companies for developing solutions of environmental sustainability challenges. On the other hand, deforestation includes some harmful effects, for example, climate imbalance, increase global warming, floods, soil erosion and wildlife extinction. In addition, appropriate application of system thinking can resolve all effects of deforestation for making the environment more secure and healthy for the upcoming generation (Rudel et al, 2010). Application of system thinking to deal with Deforestation problem In order to deal with the sustainability problem, the government of different countries is required to take some essential initiatives to control the deforestation such as limited agricultural activities, illegal logging, inappropriate urbanization, excessive mining and forest fire. The government of developing countries is required to ban the deforestation for developing solutions of sustainability challenges. In other words, the effects of deforestation can be minimised by employing a series of laws and rules that should be followed by every individual (Angelsen et al, 2010). In spite of the fact that, climate imbalance is one of the major effects of the deforestation that could harm the human civilization. In order to survive, the human requires a favourable stable and hygienic environment that not only inspires health but also essential for new-born babies for the ultimate survival of humanity. Due to rapid deforestation, the climate has been misbalanced that convey a dangerous m essage to humankind. Moreover, with the help of system thinking application, the human can control the rate of deforestation for developing suitable solutions for this sustainability challenge. Apart from that, global warming is another effect of deforestation that includes high temperature for making the unfavourable environment for humanity. Due to global warming, the ice of north and south polar is rapidly increasing the rate of seawater that additionally make fear of floods and Tsunami (Nepstad et al, 2014). Meanwhile, the floods and soil erosion are two important effects of the deforestation that lead to collapse entire human civilization within a few moments. The government of different countries needs to pay an attentive focus on the effects of deforestation in order to develop solutions for sustainability challenges driven by deforestation. On the other hand, an effective application of system thinking approach includes a careful consideration of the ruling government in dif ferent countries for controlling the influential factors of deforestation such as agricultural activities (Chazdon, R.L, 2014). Excessive crop growing can lead to offer poisonous food for damaging health. The government should be watchful about the agricultural activities that can influence the deforestation. Besides that logging includes the manufacturing process of different products that are being produced by wood, for example, furniture, match sticks and paper. The government can control illegal logging with the help of application of system thinking approach. Another critical aspect of deforestation is urbanization that includes several projects of the construction industry (Achard et al, 2014). Moreover, desertification of land allows some petrochemical companies to release their wastes into the river without any issues that indirectly influences the deforestation. The government can only control the activities of petroleum industry by implementing applications of system think ing approach for developing sustainability practices to secure the environment. Along with that, the mining operations are also influencing the potentiality of extensive deforestation air, water and soil pollution (Barber et al, 2014). The government only can control the effects and causes of deforestation by implementing the essential application of system thinking approach. In contrast, the sustainability of humanity might be compromised due to not employing laws and rules regarding environmental protection. Recommendation The government of both developing and developed countries is required to ban the deforestation for developing solutions to sustainability challenges completely. In other words, the existing political leaders need to pay an attentive focus on the environment pollutions that mainly includes rapid deforestation in both developed and developing countries (Welford, R, 2016). The human society needs to act destructively towards making of eco-friendly solutions by reducing the rate of deforestation to ensure a healthy environment for an upcoming generation. In other logic, the government of different countries needs to pay an attentive focus on construction projects, mining projects and oil reformation process in order to develop solutions for sustainability challenges driven by deforestation. However, the agricultural activities can influence the deforestation that should not be accepted by the society. The management of the construction industry, mining industry and oil industry need to p ay an attentive focus on the sustainability challenges to secure the environment that is being driven by excessive deforestation and sustainability solutions can be developed by implementing proper applications of system thinking approach. Moreover, the construction industry needs to follow every stage of the system thinking approach to ensure the safety of wild animals and birds for maintaining a balanced eco-system. Conclusion This research paper includes several aspects of deforestation and its effect on the environment by reviewing authenticate secondary resources. In other words, the role of system thinking approach is also analysed to develop solutions for sustainability challenges regarding rapid deforestation. Different aspects of the system thinking approach are also analysed in this paper to determine the impact of high deforestation including proper arguments and justification. In spite of the fact that, human civilization including political leaders, social rulers and business leaders are only responsible for rapid deforestation that only can be minimised by the successful implication of the system thinking approach and practice. Conclusively, without considering the contribution of system thinking approach, humanity cannot develop sustainability solutions for deforestation challenge. References Van der Werf, G.R., Randerson, J.T., Giglio, L., Collatz, G.J., Mu, M., Kasibhatla, P.S., Morton, D.C., DeFries, R.S., Jin, Y.V. and van Leeuwen, T.T., 2010. Global fire emissions and the contribution of deforestation, savanna, forest, agricultural, and peat fires (19972009). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(23), pp.11707-11735. DeFries, R.S., Rudel, T., Uriarte, M. and Hansen, M., 2010. Deforestation driven by urban population growth and agricultural trade in the twenty-first century. Nature Geoscience, 3(3), p.178. 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